Android ImageView Transparent Background

The source bitmap for ImageView has transparent color, we must set the background color of this ImageView to transparent color.

If not, an ImageView will overlap with another ImageView.

Those are some methods to set transparent color.

Hexo - Icarus using Google AdSense

There are several ways to making money with your blog. One way is Google AdSense.
Most blogs use Next theme to embed Google AdSense, but my blog used Icarus theme.

After some research, I found a way to embed Google AdSense with Icarus theme.
Steps as follow.

Only for Icarus 2.X

Android Baidu Text To Speech

Text To Speech (TTS) converts text into human-like speech. Baidu TTS is a free TTS SDK,we use this sdk to develop TTS app.

Android TensorFlow Lite Object Recognition

About Face Recognition, many sdks are currently available on the internet, but not free.

TensorFlow Lite is a free and lightweight library.

This article used object recognition as example.

Android Network Neighborhood - Jcifs-ng

Uploading or downloading file at local network between Android and Windows by using smb socket.

Android app can use Jcifs library to access file which is in the Windows system. But Jcifs only support smb 1.

If Windows system only support smb2 or smb3, we must use other library, like smbj or jcifs-ng.

Android loadLibrary - dlopen failed

The library: was working fine till Android Marshmallow (Android 6 (SDK 23)).

But my application run on the device with Android Oreo (Android 8 (SDK 26)), get the crash as follow.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library “/system/lib/”
is not accessible for the namespace “classloader-namespace”

Because Android Nougat (Anroid 7 (SDK 24)) is not currently supported by the Creative SDK.

Android Update .aar File

Sometime we use 3rd library to develop application.
In previous article, we introduce how to use .jar file or .aar file.

When updating .aar file, it isn’t update successfully.